August 30 2023

Evolution of eCall regulations in Saudi Arabia

eCall saudi arabia


eCall regulations in Saudi Arabia

On August 15, 2023, the Saudi Arabian Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) published a draft document for public consultation. It covers the requested technical recommendations for emergency calls and technical connectivity requirements for new light vehicles imported into Saudi Arabia.

The main changes to this standard are as follows:
1- Incorporation of 4G requirements and references.
2- Exemption for vehicles produced in small series with a cumulative volume of less than 75 vehicles per year from being equipped with an eCall.
3- Postponement of the application date to 2027

Some key dates for the adoption of these regulations:
Proposed date of adoption: 10/2023
Proposed date of entry into force: 01/01/2027
Deadline for comments: 15/10/2023


The draft is available here


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