July 10 2023

UTAC Challenge 2023

Challenge UTAC 2023


Challenge UTAC - Mobilité du futur

The 2023 edition of the UTAC Challenge – Mobility of the Future took place on May 10 at our TEQMO facilities in Montlhéry.

13 teams from 10 schools competed against each other in calibrated events designed to promote Europe’s talent pool in the automotive innovation sector.

Participants were tutored by the Société des Ingénieurs de l’Automobile (SIA) and supported by our partners in the use of project-related tools.

Nearly 170 people were present on the day to watch the competitors’ demonstrations, enjoy convivial moments at the event village and on the track, and meet major industrial figures in the field.

UTAC is proud to have hosted the event, and would particularly like to thank its sponsors, without whom the success of the projects presented would not have been possible. You can find the list of sponsors at the end of this insert.

As a reminder: the UTAC Challenge, organized under the aegis of the SIA, aims to promote the development of professions linked to the mobility ecosystem of the future, while enabling students to compare their knowledge and achievements, during a practical application of their work at the heart of Groupe UTAC’s dedicated infrastructures.
Information via Challenge-VA@utac.com



Our partners : Intempora, DSpace, NB Tech, MathWorks, BlueBinaries, AVSimulation, EasyMile, Mobilians.


The competing Universities : Université d’Orléans, ESTACA, ENSTA Paris, ENSTA Bretagne, ISAT, ESEO, ESIGELEC, IPSA, IUT d’Orsay, UTBM.