On the UTAC site of Linas-Montlhéry, Julie Scarpa is Performance leader in the homologation activity. In addition to her professional commitment, Julie Scarpa is a member of the association “Un abri qui sauve des vies” which could translate in “A shelter that saves lives”.
“I’ve been a member of this association for almost a year now. I first joined as a volunteer, helping to put victims and hosts in touch with each other. In the host relations department, I’m in charge, with the help of other volunteers, of finding emergency accommodation for victims of domestic violence, through private individuals who offer a room or sofa for one night or several weeks, depending on their availability. In addition to this centre, the association has a second centre that helps victims with their social, medical and legal affairs. Since September 2023, I’ve been the host relations coordinator for the great Paris area branch of “Un abri qui sauve des vies”. I coordinate the work of the unit’s 25 volunteers and 79 hosts. Today, we only have 6 shelters in the southern part of Paris area, and with the start of the Olympic Games, situations of violence will multiply and available accommodation will diminish, so we’re looking to promote the association and recruit new shelters throughout the region.”
About Un abri qui sauve des vies
Un abri qui sauve des vies is the first citizen shelter association dedicated to protecting victims of domestic and intra-family violence. Born in 2020 during the first French lockdown, Un abri qui sauve des vies organizes and supervises citizen accommodation for victims of domestic and intra-family violence.