The Automotive Standardisation Office (BNA) works in the field of standardisation of road vehicles, cycles, and rescue vehicles. It was set up in 1927 and is part of the French Standardisation System (SFN), operating with the approval of the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty and on behalf of AFNOR.
Standardisation contributes to the competitiveness of companies and facilitates the circulation of products. It can also anticipate evolution of the market and help to guide this. It is open to all economic stakeholders (companies, public bodies, users, test laboratories, etc.) that wish to contribute to the content of standards.
Because standardisation in these sectors is mainly international in the case of road vehicles, European for ambulances, and at both levels for cycles, BNA supports experts with defending their technical positions within different international authorities, based on a national consensus established within the standardisation committees run by BNA.
BNA manages a collection of more than 1000 international standards.

Within its field, BNA is responsible for:
- Identifying standardisation needs expressed by economic stakeholders
- Establishing the annual standardisation programme in each area
- Managing the Standardisation Committees, in particular to:
- Develop French positions on draft European (CEN) and international (ISO) standards
- Appoint French experts to CEN and ISO
- Draft standards
- Managing and training experts.
Within the framework of the AFNOR delegation defined in the agreement signed on 26 June 2010:
- Representing the French Member Committee (AFNOR) in the following areas:
- The ISO/TC 22 ‘Road Vehicles’ and ISO/TC 149 ‘Cycles’ technical committees and their subcommittees.
- The CEN/TC 239 ‘Emergency Vehicles’, CEN/TC 301 ‘Road Vehicles’ and CEN/TC 333 ‘Cycles’ technical committees.
- Ensuring the management of standards (French and international) and the associated standardisation structures, including certain CEN and ISO Technical Committee (TC), Subcommittee (SC) and Working Group (WG) secretariats.
- Representing the French Member Committee (AFNOR) in the following areas: